Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Never Scared: The Cultural Significance of Chris Rock

Standup comedians exemplify the trans-generational nature of our culture. With their ability to fully embody all of societies diverging values, while still always grazing the edge of change, they serve as the conscience of the people.   As Lawrence Mintz argues, comics are licensed to say the unspeakable because they have the pity of the audience; they use the power of laughter to unite communities and tread societies shade of gray, and the most successful of them exercise a full awareness in the art of rhetoric.   Mintz points out that comedians use these weak pity warranting social positions to actually empower themselves.iOne of the top standup comedians known for this today is Chris Rock; he uses rhetoric to persuade his audience into finding humor in some of the darkest aspects of our society.   Chris Rock uses rhetoric in his standup Never Scared to persuade his audience to adopt his views, while at the same time reversing the pity warranting image that Mintz’s cla ims gives a comic his license to speak freely.   Both of these personal intentions of Rock’s in his stand up are dependent solely on how well he connects to the core values of his audience. Rock is credited for being best able at connecting the disintegration of family and relationship values of Blacks.In Never Scared, Chris Rock discusses the deteriorating values of Black America and how these values are affecting black culture in America. He utilizes theories in social family structure with the African American family today and establishes himself as a role model for the black culture. He also sarcastically undermines the institution of marriage and the battle of the sexes in an intelligent and witty manner. Not only is he socially aware of all of these things that I have mentioned, he is also aware of the embarrassing acts from his race whom he spitefully labels â€Å"niggas.† Allow me to expand on the issues Chris Rock brings up in his comedy routines.The days of funny schtick and prat falls are basically over. Through the years, much more substance has come to the attention of America when it comes to stand-up comedy. Lawrence Mintz states the following concerning this phenomena on page 72;â€Å" Clearly it is a popular art that is central to American entertainment, but in the universal tradition of public joking rituals it is more than that as well; it is an important part of the nation’s cultural life.†iChris Rock is an excellent example of this statement.In Never Scared, Rock opens his routine with confidence and mentions his daughter, alluding to the reason why he hasn’t been on the road in so long.â€Å"It’s amazing when you have a girl†¦ It’s eye opening, because I realize, I’m the man in her life.   My relationship with my daughter is going to affect her relationship with men for the rest of her life.   Every man in here has dated a woman with some daddy issues.   That [email   protected]%$# ain’t fun ok.   She’s giving you a hard time for some [email  protected]%$# her daddy did in 1969.† (Chris Rock, 2006)Ever the sarcastic encourager, Rock sets up an example that needs to be revisited in the black community. He’s sensible and funny here but he is also alluding to something important. The black man in today’s culture needs to understand the importance of bringing up baby girls. He states that sometimes he picks her up out of her stroller, looks at her and that’s when it hits him;  Ã¢â‚¬Å"My job in this life now is to keep my baby off the pole!†Of course he is referring to the ever-ominous pole found in every strip club in the world. This is profound wisdom for the deadbeat dads out there who aren’t with their daughters. Some fathers are right in the room but to busy watching the game to pay any attention to the direction she might be headed if he doesn’t start to get to know his little gi rl who is growing up.It’s interesting to note that an article by Kathryn Edin and Laura Lein almost discuss the same issue.ii With the rise of single mothers in urban areas and their struggle to make ends meet, we have to wonder what the sociological and psychological implications for the child are growing up in an environment without a father. Many of these children will grow up to be drug dealers, strippers and prostitutes in their struggle to get away from the economic prison they were unwillingly placed in at birth.Speaking of birth, let’s examine Rock’s use of abortion and marriage. Nilsen discusses the important element of sexism in comedy routines in his article;â€Å"Sexist humor, which makes fun of the real or imagined characteristics of males and females, is seen in the oldest myths, fairy tales, folk tales, nursery rhymes, and sacred writings. Because jokes are a kind of shorthand, creators do not start with a whole new cast of characters for each jo ke; instead they rely on familiar scripts that include exaggerations and stereotypes. This enables listeners to fill in the details from the material that their minds have already absorbed from the popular culture.†ivThroughout Rock’s comedy routines, he brings to light the battle of the sexes concerning abortion and marriage. He discusses the two options that a man has when he finds out his girlfriend is pregnant;â€Å"Wow! I’m so happy! I love you so much.† Or the ill-fated; â€Å"So, whatcha gonna do?† Once again he silently stabs at the lack of responsibility concerning the man in this issue. He goes on to discuss the fact that the decision for abortion is made between the woman and her girlfriends. It is a sad but true commentary on the disintegration of society in general but Chris seems to be directing it toward black culture specifically.There are strong arguments for the fact that married couples experience less stress and live a healthier life(Waite).iii Rock equates marriage to simple transference;â€Å"When you’re single, you wanna kill yourself. When you’re married, you wanna kill your spouse!†He discusses the problem of unhappily married men and their addiction to strip clubs. He adds that reasons for this are that women are domineering. In a funny little clip, Chris talks about the ho convention and glass heels. Then he brings up the fact that a wife is there to provide for you and be there for you but if you bring a pair of glass heels in the house, it will cause all sorts of problems.As you can see, he strengthens his views of the black man being the wife’s pet or the one that’s supposed to do everything for her by using these jokes. He also portrays the man in the abortion bit as not having a say in anything that happens with the child. He portrays the woman’s friends at a higher level than her own boyfriend and the father of her child.He jokes about strip clubs and i nfidelity but he still holds to the role model persona. He stands by his conviction of not cheating on your spouse and once again cements his position in black culture. Voicing his family values opens the audience up for his personal opinions about society.   Rock’s humorous perspective on life and his personal opinions about society mark the defining line between him as an individual and the family values he has affirmed to gain the audience’s trust.In his essay, Standup Comedy as Social and Cultural Mediation, Mintz explains the justification behind the stand up comedian’s license to speak freely. Considering the fact that Chris Rock is an African American, he has free reign to speak out on the problems with African- Americans.   As he displays his disgust with black stars like the child molesting, wanna-be- white Michael Jackson, he flows freely into the R-Kelly incident with the young girl on video.We all know that he is using these incidents as well as the Kobe Bryant rape case and the OJ Simpson case because they are excellent material for comedy. But, it’s also obvious that he uses these men as examples for negative black role models in America as well. It makes one wonder if he is warning his black audience of the path of self-destruction they may be on together. After all, great men like Sydney Poitier or James Earl Jones didn’t do things like this to embarrass the black community.Personally, I believe that his most compelling routine is the â€Å"I hate Niggas† routine. The courage that it takes for a black man to stand up and say â€Å"Everything white people don’t like about black people, black people hate even more. I love black people but I hate niggas.† He jokes about the fact that every time black people try to get together and have some fun like going to a movie, some â€Å"nigga† pulls out a gun and shoots at the screen. It is most powerful when he utilizes this rhetoric in th e presence of a more affluent black community.By performing in D.C., Rock intentionally markets himself towards the wealthiest blacks in the United States, giving him all the more power once he is able to form a community within the room.   But, this community Rock creates must be structured on some form of values with which he knows everyone can basically agree, and that will create an atmosphere of familial comfort.   Rock does this perfectly in his stand up, and the structure can be noted from start to finish.We can also observe the moral erosion of rap music. It used to be a positive influence in the black community. Chris Rock has played an important role in promoting rap music. Although, in Never Scared, He mentions the fact that it keeps getting harder to defend this popular urban genre. He states that it used to be easy to defend groups like Grand Master Flash because they represented the black urban culture as a whole. Then he goes on to state that he hates to defend it now because of lines such as the famous line from Li’l Jon;â€Å"To the windows, to the walls, ‘til the sweat drips from my balls.†These lyrics can’t be defended. They do not spell anything positive for black society and the song certainly shows no respect for black women whatsoever. Granted, there were some pretty vulgar lyrics in the early days of rap also but not to the extent of today.If we observe the work of Chris Rock, a strong argument can be made that he has created some of the most powerful rhetoric concerning the degradation of his own race in America. He stands by his values and doesn’t squirm under the microscope like some stars. He has used his influence to create a teachable understanding of the social inequalities that occur in America. But, more than this he has made it simple for the average black family, or any family, to understand the major social issues surrounding black culture today. I think the most important thing that Chr is Rock has done for the black culture and every culture in America is created a vital understanding for accountability within our own cultural social dynamic.I have heard many people say that Chris Rock is a comedian, but he is an activist as well. Others say that his comedy is racially motivated against the white population of America. Still, some just won’t watch him or listen to him because of his language usage. There are a number of labels we can put on this man and he allows us to do so liberally. Chris Rock may have missed his true calling as a social scientist. Maybe one-day comedians like Rock will receive honorary PhDs for their body of work in stand up comedy but for now, he’s just a great comedian.iv Nilsen A.P and Nilsen D.L.B (2000) Encyclopedia of the 20th century American Humor.Gender Humor. Phoenix, AZ: Oryz Press, pp.170-174.i Standup Comedy as Social and Cultural Mediation. Lawrence E. Mintz.American Quarterly, Vol. 37, No. 1, Special Issue: America n Humor. (Spring, 1985), pp. 71-80.ii Work, Welfare, and the Single Mothers’ Economic Survival Strategies. Kathryn Edin and Laura Lein. American Sociological Review.iii Does Marriage Matter?. Waite, Linda J. Demography. Vol. 32, No. 4, November 1995.iv Nilsen A.P and Nilsen D.L.B (2000) Encyclopedia of the 20th century American Humor.Gender Humor. Phoenix, AZ: Oryz Press, pp.170-174.Quotes from Chris Rock came from his stand up routine Never Scared. 2006.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

World History Chapter

You didn't have to depend on anything, for example if you were a farmer you had to depend on your crops for survival because if the plants died, you could starve to death- Didn't require much time like farming would- You could easily move around town or country. As for farming you would have to stay in your farm because all of your crop were already planted and it would take much more time to replant. 0 Why was the Neolithic Revolution considered so highly significant? How did the Neolithic Revolution effect gender roles? The Neolithic Revolution was considered so highly significant because at this time people started farming since new technology was being invented, it made things easier.Population grew immensely due to the change of life style from hunting and gathering to farming. The Neolithic Revolution effected gender roles because before anyone started farming the men was the one who would go out and hunt while the woman cooked and gathered the food. But once farming started bo th gender were able to do the same Job. Compare and contrast homo sapiens and homo erects in regards to surviving. Both Homo erects and Homo sapiens migrated from Africa to various parts of Europe and Asia. It made it easier to migrate around because of low sea levels associated with the Ice Age. Homo sapiens migrated from Africa during a wet period and crossed the land bridge to the Americas during the last glacial period.These migrations were lead by minor physical evolutionary changes such as changes in skin pigmentation. However, humans adapted to their new environments not through biological evolution but through a process of technological adaptation. Compare the slave systems of Mesopotamia empires and Egypt. In Mesopotamia Empires many of role than they would in the later societies of Greece and Rome. They were identified by a distinctive hair style rather than chains or brands, they would have a barber shave off the telltale mark if they were lucky enough to regain their fre edom. On the other hand, Slavery in Egypt existed on a limited scale and was of little economic significance.But humane treatment softened the burden of slavery, as did the possibility of being freed. Slavery was not very common or bad in Egypt as it was in he Mesopotamia empires List the indicators of a â€Å"civilization†. 0(1) cities as administrative centers, 0(2) a political system based on defined territory rather than kinship, 0(3) many people engaged in specialized, non-food-producing activities, 0(4) status distinctions based largely on accumulation of wealth, 0(5) monumental building, 0(6) a system for keeping permanent records, 0(7) long-distance trade, and (8) sophisticated interest in science and art. 0 How did the religious beliefs in Mesopotamia and in Egypt reflect the relationships between the environment and the people?

UK/Asian Response to Sexually Explicit Advertising

Writing this thesis has been extremely difficult, demanding, and extremely time consuming, but it has also provided insight into exactly how much of an impact, good or otherwise, sexually implicit advertising has on a predominantly sheltered society.   There are unfortunately a limited number of empirical studies that have been completed on this subject, and perhaps through the offering of this thesis can more advanced and concurrent data be exhumed and learned from.I would like to thank my professors and supervisors at the University that have helped me along the way in ensuring that I was kept on track during the entire process, for they have been instrumental in helping me through the more difficult times and the â€Å"rough spots† that I endured from time to time.It is anticipated that this thesis will only be the beginning forage into an unknown and provocative world of advertising and provide additional material to carry on with future students.The world of advertising has the inevitable task of having to cater to all factions of societies in which companies seek to capture a share of the consumer market. Advertisers must tailor its attempts at delivering brand messages depending on the target audience, be it members of Western or Eastern cultural groups.The reaction to sex in advertising can be viewed in a positive or negative fashion, depending on the values and perceptions of those who view the ads. The entire process of ensuring fluidity with public perception is entirely up to the advertisers themselves, and what is acceptable in the West is not always the case in the East.More specifically, Western cultures tend to have a much higher tolerance of sexual imagery, while Eastern cultures tend to generally be more offended by ads that exploit sexuality to promote consumer products.The same ads may generate vastly different responses when viewed by members of the two divergent cultural groups. The dramatic difference in the response the ads gene rate is due to cultural beliefs, practices, and ideals that promote varying attitudes toward sex among those who live in Western societies and those who live in Eastern societies.As one of the more provocative global advertisers, Benetton continually looks to engage the public in their form of sexually-driven advertising in an attempt to gauge the reaction of the public.Although Benetton is only one of the major Western advertisers that is making inroads in the eastern hemisphere, they have an interesting task of marketing to more conservative sectors of society, mainly the Asian people. The Asian community has a long-standing embedded value system that may or may not ever catch up to the impressionable Western culture group.Due to the cultural differences that exist in Asian culture, Western-based advertisers have a formidable task in figuring out how to deliver brand messages in ways that are both effective and culturally acceptable. This poses a significant challenge to advertise rs, because they must thoroughly research the ideals and beliefs of those to whom they seek to direct their brand messages.When looking at advertisements with sexual undertones, Western culture views this type of â€Å"shock† advertising as generally accepted and it is not really given a second glance as it is viewed as an acceptable part of societal values. But, in the eastern hemisphere, this type of culture â€Å"shock† may be acceptable with the younger generation, albeit not as gregariously as with their western counterparts, but with the older generation of Asian and UK families, attitudes toward   this type of sexually explicit advertising are not perhaps as accommodating. UK/Asian Response to Sexually Explicit Advertising Writing this thesis has been extremely hard, demanding and extremely time consuming, but has also provided insight into exactly how much of an impact, good or otherwise, sexually implicit advertising has on a predominantly sheltered society.There is unfortunately a limited number of empirical studies that have been completed on this subject and perhaps through the offering of this thesis can more advanced and concurrent data be exhumed and learned from.I would like to thank my professors and supervisors at the University that have helped me along the way in ensuring that I was kept on track during the entire process and has been instrumental in helping me through the more difficult times and the â€Å"rough spots† that I endured from time to time.It is anticipated that this thesis will only be the beginning forage into an unknown and provocative world of advertising and provide additional material to carry-on with future students.ABSTRACTThe world of advertising has the inevit able task of having to cater to all factions of society, be it western or eastern cultural groups, and the reaction to sex in advertising can be viewed in a positive or negative fashion. The entire process of ensuring fluidity with public perception is entirely up to the advertisers themselves and what is acceptable in the west is not always the case in the east.One of the more provocative global advertisers, Benetton, continually looks to engage the public in their form of sexually-driven advertising in an attempt to gauge the reaction of the public.Although Benetton is only one of the major western advertisers that is making inroads in the eastern hemisphere, they have an interesting task of marketing to a societal sector, mainly the Asian people, that have a long-standing embedded value system that may or may not ever catch up to the impressionable western culture group.When looking at advertisement with sexual undertones, western culture views this type of â€Å"shock† ad vertising as generally accepted and not really given a second glance as it is viewed as an acceptable part of societal values; but, in the eastern hemisphere, this type of culture â€Å"shock† may be acceptable with the younger generation albeit not as gregariously as with their western counterparts; but, with the older generation of Asian and UK families this type of sexually explicit advertising is not perhaps as accommodating.REFERENCES Albers-Miller, N. D. (1996). â€Å"Designing cross-cultural advertising research: a closer look at paired comparisons.† International Marketing Review 13(5): 59-75.Albers-Miller, N. D. and B. D. Gelb (1996). â€Å"Business Advertising Appeals as a Mirror Of Cultural Dimensions: A Study of Eleven Countries.† Journal of Advertising 25(4): 57-70.Alden, D. L., W. D. Hoyer, et al. (1993). â€Å"Identifying Global and Culture-Specific Dimensions in Humor in Advertising: A Multinational Analysis.† Journal of Marketing 57(2): 6 4-75.Andrews, J. C. and S. Durvasula (1994). â€Å"Testing the Cross-National Applicability of U.S. and RussianAdvertising Beliefs and Attitude Measure.† Journal of Advertising 23(1): 71-83.Belk, R. W. and W. J. Bryce (1986). â€Å"Materialism and Individual Determinism in U.S. and JapaneseTelevision Advertising.† Advances in Consumer Research 13: 568-672.Belk, R. W., W. J. Bryce, et al. (1985). Advertising Themes and Cultural Values: A Comparison of U.S. and AsiaCentre for Adolescents and Family Studies. 2003. Sex in Advertising.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Experiential Leadership Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Experiential Leadership - Case Study Example They are glad about the fact that they have salary and reimbursement and inducement recompense plans that really pay, and bonus plans and profit-sharing tactics that are funded based on the achievement of the commerce." As far as objective setting, Hummel (2004) quotes from an interview by means of one of Dell's employees, "The corporation is team paying attention and tremendously goal-oriented, as in the military, Archer (interviewee) said. It is a rough life on the floor," Archer said. "It's extremely significant that the leadership is identified by the men and women." The Assistant answered that "Dell" it is a very huge organisation with more than 500 employees and the HR Department is not working in the correct way. For example, he said every 100 employees need to have an HR person but now in the Dell Inc there are only two for all the employees. In order to have a good working results the HR with the corporation of the Line Managers, he tries to give the best for the employees. The Assistant answered that the Dell Inc is a business that has many employees that work only temporary and those employees don't have the opportunity to learn many things about the HR Department. On the other hand, for the permanent employees they know what the HR provides them with. The Dell Inc gives to each employee informal papers for the role of HR and it provides them with seminars to inform them the role of HR. Question 4: Do you apply any kind of technical equipment in the Dell One of the reward systems that the Dell applies was the technology equipment for employee of the year. In this reward system every Line Manager of all the departments has a meeting in order to decide who the best employee is and who will take a hardware. Question 5: The relations between the employees affect the motivation of the employees, therefore their performance, too. What measures does the HR department takes in order to create good employee relations The Assistant said that again with the athletic activities they get to learn each other better, they become friendlier and this environment exists at work too. Also twice a year the Dell Inc gives some money so that all the departments goes out for dinner and have fun. Question 6: At which point do you allow employees to involve at the HR department's decision making He said that there are different types of commissions which are consisted by employees and through meetings some ideas about many things like health and safety are taken. The final decisions are taken after they have a meeting with the HR person. Question 7: To what degree and about which issues do you allow empl

Sunday, July 28, 2019

ANIS 1006B Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

ANIS 1006B - Essay Example First, he can request his wife, or the children to help him with the morning preparations, in case that is one of the reasons he gets late at work. He might be taking long cleaning his shoes or ironing his clothes before he gets to shower and do all the other preparations. To save on time, Mr. Herman can request his wife to help him prepare his clothes and shoes as he showers and makes other things ready. If he used to take 30 minutes preparing his clothes and shoes, he would be able to save the same amount of time. Hence, he will get to work on time. He can also assign duties to his children and ensure that all the preparations get completed before they go to sleep the previous night. The children can help with the duties of making sure that his clothes and shoes get prepared early enough to reduce the bulk of preparations in the morning. The second option for Mr. Herman is to find a way of taking coffee at home and avoid wasting time at Tim Hortons. It is very possible, given that Hermans wife has retired, to prepare the breakfast or a coffee at home in the morning. It will allow Mr. Herman to take a coffee at home. Hence all that time he wastes at Tim Hortons will be used to proceed to work before the school bus blocks the road. His wife is at a good place to assist him with many things in the morning as he prepares since she has retired, hence, has no much to do or anywhere to go to so early. Still, with good planning and organization, Mr. Herman can manage his time well by waking up early and do some of the preparations by himself. The main aim here is for him to complete in time so that he can avoid getting stuck behind a school bus. Lastly, Mr. Herman gets to work late due to the time he wastes chatting with his friends. To help him get to work in time, Mr. Herman can make arrangement to chat with his friends through the social media later or on the phone once he arrives at work or later in the day. On

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Health care Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Health care Education - Essay Example It is vital to place persons as well as their families in suitable context. Comprehending the wider cultural context in which families are entangled can help as important related data for directing assessments and scheduling intervention approaches. Ethnic facets such as ethics, principles, customs, and pattern of family may be utilized as clues, as a portion of the entire information gathered concerning clients who are taught. Gay (2000) has described culturally responsive teaching as consuming the cultural knowledge, previous involvements, and individual needs of diverse students in order to make learning more suitable and operative for them.  He has also defined culturally responsive teaching as comprising of these characteristics: Ethnicity is also a vital variable in how people with disabilities and/or illness are looked upon and treated by the members of their family as well as how their household, in turn, is observed by their community overall. Cultural influences facilitate ways in which symptoms are recognized and understood, suitable manners of expression of pain as well as discomfort, whether a specific chronic condition is extremely denounced or established, and whether the dependence that escorts chronic illness is disvalued or deliberated upon as a portion of the normal sequence of life. Finally, ethnicity may have a major impact on the ways in which families cooperate with health specialists and deliberations that practitioners must give for their care to be most operational. For instance, in the Latina culture, as a symbol of respect, elder persons should be spoken to by using their last name. Signalling should not be used because apparently benevolent body or hand movements may have contrary connotations in the rest of the cultures. Outright interrogative of expert such as a physician is offensive in some

Friday, July 26, 2019

Software Development Life Cycle Models and Design Techniques Essay

Software Development Life Cycle Models and Design Techniques - Essay Example Let us take a look at the contemporary models being used by the software industry. This is the first derivative of the classic Software Development Life Cycle model which goes through the processes of requirement capturing and analysis, System Analysis and Design, Code Generation, testing and maintenance. Water fall model (Royce,1970) differs from the sequential software development life cycle in inserting iteration at the end of every phase to reduce large iterations over several phases which could turn out to be costly exercises. It also provides for a validation at the end of every phase output, defining the deliverables at the end of every phase. In this process, incremental development was introduced for both requirement capturing and for development, along with a clear validation at the end of every phase made this process more successful than the sequential SDLC. Software projects more controllable. This model, though under use in various unofficial forms across the developing community, became a standard process in 1991. (Pomberger,1991). The phased model that was introduced in the waterfall model was seen more as an iterative possibility. At the end of every phase, a prototype was made and shown to the customer. ... During this methodology, experiments are conducted on the prototype at every iteration to check the effectiveness of the prototype for various functionalities expected out of the system. This way when the customer receives the software, he is very satisfied. 4.0 Object Oriented Life Cycle Model In this model, we do not train our eyes on the functionalities of the software needed, rather on the objects that we have and we can construct. After the requirement analysis, which is very similar to the other models discussed earlier, the objects are identified and development is taken up for those objects that need to be done fresh. Others that could be inherited, are taken from the earlier objects already existing. Advantages of this life cycle is that, since it inherits and reuses many of the objects already existing, the development cycle time should be coming down. By the same measure, it should also bring down the time to test, the time to maintain and the time to make changes in the software. Primarily, this model postulates reusability of objects and classes within programs / projects and across programs / projects2. Clubbing with the prototyping model, most of the common object models use prototyping of individual classes / objects with their performances resulting in easy spotting of errors and inconsistencies early on. Error fixing and modifications are much more easily understood and presented under such conditions resulting in easier fixes. 5.0 Design Techniques Derr (1995) is the first major proponent of the object model that follows the following steps to reach design solutions: 1. A Problem Statement 2. Identify object classes and their attributes 3. Discard unnecessary classes and attributes 4. Inherit

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Car aerodynamics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Car aerodynamics - Essay Example An aerodynamic automobile is designed to streamline the wind, it does not have piercing edges that cross the wind stream above the windshield and have a type of tail, which is called a liftback or Kammback or fastback. Different automotive companies like the Volkswagen, Loremo and Aptera, try to reduce the tail area of their small vehicles like the 1-liter models. They are designed to have a smooth and flat floor for the Venturi effect to be supported and generate the desired downwards-aerodynamic energy. The wind entering the engine cove is used for combustion, passengers and cooling, and then it is re-injected by an outlet under the floor. Air is slowed and pressurized in a diffuser for rear and mid engines, it loses a little pressure while it is passed through the engine cove and is filled in the slipstream. A seal between the high pressure around the gearbox and low pressure area around the wheels is required by these cars. The suspension in these cars is either retracted or stre amlined and the engine cove floor is closed. Streamlined shape is given to the roof rails, antenna and door handle. A round fairing as a nose is given to side mirrors. Though racing cars need airflow through the wheel base for break cooling and a lot of air is emitted from the radiator into the wheel bay, it is said to cause increase in drag. â€Å"Most aerodynamic design work is actually done initially on a computer, then the design is checked and modified by placing a vehicle with that design in a wind tunnel† (Erjavec 158). Wind tunnel and computer modeling are used to analyze and study automotive aerodynamics. The tunnel is sometimes furnished with a rolling road to achieve most accurate results from a wind tunnel test. The rolling road is a movable floor like the floor of at treadmill and moves at a particular speed as the air flows in. This affects the results by preventing the formation of a boundary

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Dry farming the Zinfandel grape varietal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Dry farming the Zinfandel grape varietal - Essay Example Before irrigation systems became available and practical, dry farming was standard practice for planting and managing wine grapes in California. Dry farming is still possible and successfully used by some growers, but it is site-specific and dependent on annual rainfall, climate, soil type and grape variety. The economics of dry farming are a key consideration in relation to grape yields and prices. Dry farming wine grapes depend on residual soil moisture to meet the water requirements for grape vine growth and berry development (Chatterton, 196). Even in California’s dry Mediterranean climate, the water retained in soils from winter rains can be sufficient to support grape production throughout the growing season without supplemental irrigation. Dry farming techniques can improve grape and wine quality. Many growers have said that they trade quantity for quality when dry farming. Although dry-farmed vineyards may yield less than irrigated vineyards, the fruit that is produced often has more concentrated flavors and a deeper expression of quality taste. Tablas Creek Vineyard in Paso Robles believes that their dry-farmed berries are essential to the balance and expression of their wines. Dry farming can also have significant positive impacts on the environment and improve the sustainability of vineyards. By not irrigating, dry farmers reduce the water footprint of the vineyard. According to Frank Leeds (2003), studies in Napa Valley shows that he is saving a minimum of 16,000 gallons of water an acre a year by dry farming his vineyards, compared to those that only lightly irrigate. If vineyards can conserve fresh water, not only will they be contributing to water conservation, but also reducing their dependency on a highly demanded resource, particularly in areas of groundwater overdraft (Hargreaves & Mary, 109). Competition over

Operations management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Operations management - Essay Example Ford has a number of global brands coming under its range including Mercury, Jaguar, Aston Martin, Land Rover and many others as well. Chevrolet is a brand of motor vehicles whose parent organization is General Motors. At times Chevrolet is also known as â€Å"Chevy†. The brand has vehicles ranging from compact cars to large SUVs. There is a lot of product restructuring that has been going on in the Chevrolet brand, where we can find that sedans are being launched as well as more new designs and models are also in the pipeline. As far as Ford Motor Company is concerned, we find that recently there has been a high level directive which has cut down 30,000 jobs within different divisions so as to ensure that the company maintains its economic well being, no matter how trying and rigid the circumstances become at some point in the future. The proactive approach is thus pretty much visible from the whole perspective of cutting down on the job scene. Ford relies on its economic uplift and boom upon the different market forces that are in action. But this does not mean that Ford relies on this activity in entirety and forgets the other forces that are also within the relevant equation. Having more emphasis on the economic market forces means that the decline within the fiscal ranks would surely hit Ford like anything and happens all of a sudden rather than a gradual fall as is predicted in the wake of those very decisions, if adopted in the first place. The two thirds of Ford’s workers are the clear manif estations in the line of the law of one price being rampant in different labor markets spread all over the globe. With the advent of time and as Thomas Friedman has put it, we find out that the world has indeed become flatter since market barriers are starting to vanish with the passage of time which would at the end mean that we start living in a flat world to say as a matter of fact. On the restructuring tilt, we see that Ford’s economic strategy is one

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Definition Of The Word 'Spirit' Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Definition Of The Word 'Spirit' - Essay Example The American heritage dictionary (2009) defines spirit as ‘The vital principle or animating force within living beings’. Spirit is somewhat similar to but not the same as ‘soul’ considered departing the human body at the time of death. The term spirit took its present form during the middle stages of evolution in the English language. The term was derived from the French word ‘espirit’, which in turn was derived from Latin word ‘spiritus’, meaning breathes (The American Heritage Dictionary, 2009). Spirit has no solid or physical form. The only form it takes is when it combines with matter, and that is the form of a living being. Consciousness cannot pertain to a spirit unless through the means of matter (Theosophy, 1966). In the metaphysical context, the spirit is considered to be a form of energy, which is non-quantifiable and is present in all beings that are living. Life stems from spirit, without spirit, all matter is lifeless ( Wikipedia, 2009). The word spirit may also sometimes refer to a supernatural existence, like a demon, angel or a fairy (The American Heritage Dictionary, 2009). The other meaning of the word spirit is that used in medicine and health. In general medicine, the spirit is a volatile chemical that is used as a disinfectant for bruises and cuts. Methylated spirit, commonly known as ‘spirit’ is denatured alcohol. It is undrinkable and poisonous (Boggan, 2003). Chemically, the Methylated spirit is also known as ethanol. It is medicinally used as an antiseptic and disinfectant. It is also used for removal of fungus from the skin. Spirit also has a lot of uses outside medicine. It is used as a cleaning agent in housekeeping, as fuel, for killing bugs, for maintenance of wicks and as a sanding aid (Boggan, 2003). Yet another sense in which the word is used is that of alcoholic beverages. Spirit is defined as any unsweetened, alcohol-based, distilled beverage, which has at least 2 0% alcohol by volume in it (Alexis, 1987). There are many forms of liquors that fall under the umbrella of ‘spirit’. Spirits may include wine, beer sake of whiskey. Spirits can be prepared based on different criteria. The preparation of a spirit may depend on serving size, the volume of alcohol, strength or power of alcohol, flavor, and flammability (Alexis, 1987). The use of the word spirit in the context of alcohol is therefore very common especially at places where alcohol is sold. For example, on may use the word spirit as: ‘Do you sell spirits?’ or ‘I am not into spirits’ etc. Different philosophical and religious schools of thought have a different concept regarding ‘spirit’. In ancient Greek philosophy, a popular concept was that God sends guardian spirits for His people, to protect them from all evil. This idea later refined into the concept of guardian angels. Angels are defined as spirits that do not have any form and are made of energy. All spirits are believed to exist in the cosmos, at a plane different from ours. Most of the philosophers believe that spirit alone is formless. According to the Buddhist concept, where there is form, there is the reason for suffering. So it is believed that when the body of the man, the objective man is annihilated, the spirit is liberated and reaches bliss. The subjective life of man is the spirit which cannot be corrupted and is immortal. The spirit does not die (Theosophy, 1966).

Monday, July 22, 2019

Journal Writing Essay Example for Free

Journal Writing Essay Week 1 – Reflective Journal This was my first day in class for the unit Co Ordinate the Work Environment. Amongst the class mates each one introduced the self to others, and Adrian as a teacher for the unit introduced himself to all of us. Today’s lecture was based on housekeeping and overview of unit outline. I learned about different ways to contribute and practise effective workplace practises. I also learned about different leadership styles. I felt good throughout the class as I was an active participant in all topics. I felt good about taking on the knowledge about learning and sustaining workplace ethics and self morale. I believe that this knowledge will help during my job times. Week 2 – Reflective Journal In today’s session I learned about developing and implementing work plans. The idea behind is to integrate into and build a healthy, trustworthy and reliable relationship with colleagues. I listened the whole session carefully, gave my opinion at right time and respected to the opinion shared by other students. I also learned about how at a workplace we can maximise the performance and outcomes and yes how can i forget the amazing organisational theories, boring but important. I took proper notes throughout the session and kept myself attentive till the end. Week 3 – Reflective journal In this week’s class I learned about implementing various strategies to ensure that the communication in a workplace is effective. I think the information was very necessary to develop my own level of understanding of initiating and sustaining a healthy communication amongst colleagues. I also learned about different ways of resolving the conflicts at the workplace if and when they arise. I personally would always be proactive about it however at any times if i do face any such conflicts then the knowledge that I received today will help a lot. Week 4 – Reflective Journal This week Adrian told us about workplace environment in regards of the resistance, different ways to deal with it and how we can bring a change in an organisation. I think this week’s session was very important from the academic perspective but also will help me in future in my carrier. I was active throughout the session. We also talked about the decision making process that takes place in everywhere and i felt good about that how important all this info was. Week 5 – Reflective Journal This week’s class was the interesting one because i learned about how important it is to always add on to our existing skills and knowledge by undertaking various training workshops related to same work. It was good to learn that taking such training lessons keeps us synchronised with the latest in the world and that these should not be neglected. Then we were also taught about different ways how we can monitor our own progress and appraisals. I felt this week’s session was very important and the knowledge delivered will help me in future. Week 6 – Reflective Journal This week was an important time in class as i had my first assignment for this unit due. The assignment was to make a report on the overview of any organisation related with the same sector. While making the assignment and reflecting on various areas of the organisation i realised that it included mostly a lot of things that we covered in class and i was glad because i already had them in my mind and my notes.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

International Law of Sea Frameworks

International Law of Sea Frameworks The framework for an international law of the sea should have the authority or force of law and promote collective interest that drives state compliance. The process of authoritative decision flows from three distinct elements—interaction among the maritime states and oceans users; the rights of access, including the rights of access for the international community to oceans space and the rights of coastal states to claim jurisdiction over ocean space; and finally, determinations of decision-makers responding to these competing claims. The unfolding process of authoritative decision for a public order of the oceans is evident in maritime operational and diplomatic theater. In the contemporary era, this drama unfolds within the regimes reflected in the 1982 Convention. The point of departure for the regimes, and corresponding rights and duties in the United Nations Law of the Sea Convention (UNCLOS), is the baseline of the coastal state. This chapter discusses baselines, intern al waters, territorial sea and contiguous zone, international straits, archipelagic waters, the exclusive economic zone, and the regimes and national security. Keywords:  United Nations,  international law,  territorial waters,  national security,  1982 Convention,  UNCLOS Throughout the Cold War, the Soviet Union would come to learn that all states, not just traditional maritime powers, have an interest in unimpeded access to the seas. The progression in Soviet thought was not immediate. Changes in Moscow’s thinking unfolded from the 1950s to the 1970s, as the U.S.S.R. shifted from a green-water coastal defense strategy to a blue-water fleet. By the time the Soviet Union had fully embraced naval power as a key element of its global ideological struggle, the nation was so politically and economically decrepit that it soon would collapse under its own weight. The response of the Soviet Union to the massive advantage in Western naval power was the same as that selected by Imperial Germany to counter the Royal Navy, which was to build a blue-water fleet. All coastal states harbor a desire to constrain or restrict the offshore transit of foreign-flagged commercial and military vessels. Nations are motivated by the struggle for greater security and control in an anarchic world. A land power may try to match a maritime power by constructing a large fleet and becoming a maritime power, or it can choose to respond much more cheaply, albeit perhaps less effectively, by attempting to deny its opponents maritime access near its shores. The search for security leads nations to either build a fleet or construct shore defenses. The dilemma posed by these two polarities illuminates the desire to both exclude other users from the oceans, while at the same time seeking the â€Å"fullest possible access, either for itself or for others on its behalf, to all the inclusive uses of the ocean†¦.†1Furthermore, †¦ [t]he net total of the inclusive uses available for sharing among all states is directly dependent †¦ upon restriction of the exclusive claims to the minimum reasonably necessary to the protection of common interest. If all states asserted and were protected in extravagant, disproportionate, exclusive claims, there would be little, if any, net total of inclusive use for common enjoyment.2 This is where contemporary maritime strategy meets the international law of the sea. Exclusive marine claims assume a zero-sum diplomatic and economic game. This game produces military and political instability, and generates tension that can lead to conflict. While it follows that each state has an interest in preserving the greatest amount of the world’s ocean space for use by the international community, that interest in the global good may be somewhat(p.96)attenuated—overshadowed by the coastal state’s interest in exclusive control over waters adjacent to the shoreline. The resolve of the international community in vindicating the common interest in freedom of the seas is complicated by competing domestic pressures. Marshalling collective action to resist excessive claims, both within governments and among states, therefore is particularly difficult. The final chapter discusses some diplomatic strategies for meeting these challenges. There have been four major multilateral oceans law initiatives: conferences in 1930, 1958, 1960, and 1973-1982. The first of these four conferences occurred during the interwar period. In 1924, a Committee of Experts appointed by the League of Nations was established to consider issues appropriate for codification at a multilateral conference of the peacetime international law of the sea. A preparatory commission developed terms of reference for negotiations in three areas—nationality, state responsibility, and territorial waters.3The Hague Codification Conference of 1930 recommended that the international community adopt the standard of a universal sovereign territorial sea of three miles in width, measured from the low-water mark running along the coast.4At the time, the three-mile territorial sea had widespread acceptance. The State Department reported that Canada, China, Great Britain, India, Japan, The Netherlands, South Africa, Greece, Ireland, and the United States unco nditionally supported the three-mile limit. The efforts of the 1930 conference, however, never led to a draft convention. But the terms of reference for the meeting later were used as a point of departure for the first UN Conference on the Law of the Sea in 1958. The 1930 meeting recognized a zone that may be considered a precursor to the contiguous zone, adjacent to and immediately beyond the territorial sea. In this area, states would exercise â€Å"administrative rights based on the ground of custom or of vital interests.†5States also would enjoy â€Å"rights of jurisdiction necessary for their protection† inside the new zone.6The recognition that coastal states should be able to exercise some measure of limited authority beyond the territorial sea was a function of the perennial search for coastal state safety and security. The 1930 Conference also adopted a functional approach to the right of the coastal state in the territorial sea.7Different rules were applied to different(p.97)activities occurring in the same water space. This liberal or functional view of the oceans would become the most progressive principle of twentieth century oceans governance. The oceans were viewed as a flow resource, and they could be enjoyed by multiple users simultaneously within the context of a model that emphasized sharing and inclusion. The commission produced a Basis of Discussion to serve as the point of departure for a new Law of the Sea conference. The provision on innocent passage, however, only protected the right for merchant vessels rather than all ships. In a major victory for freedom of navigation for warships, however, this shortcoming later would be corrected, and ultimately included in the 1982 Convention.8But first, the United Nations would make two failed attempts at a restatement of the global order of the oceans. UN Conferences I II Uniform rules were needed to provide a formula for standardizing offshore oceans claims and recognizing navigational rules in the areas claimed by coastal states. In 1949, the International Law Commission (ILC) of the UN took up the issue and began work in earnest on drafting a general law of the high seas. On December 6 of the same year, the UN General Assembly asked that the ILC include work on the territorial sea as well. The report of the Commission led to the convening of the First UN Conference on the Law of the Sea in 1958. More than 80 states participated in the conference, which produced four treaties—the Convention on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone, the High Seas Convention, the Convention on the Limits of the Continental Shelf, and the Convention on Fishing and Conservation of the Living Resources of the High Seas. The instruments from the first UN Conference entered into force between 1962 and 1966, but they failed on several critical and contentious points. First, the breadth of the territorial sea was not resolved. This was a key point, making moot agreement on many other provisions. The extent of the continental shelf was set at the 200-meter isobath, so states that had only a narrow geologic continental shelf walked away dissatisfied. Finally, the thorny question of foreign fishing rights beyond the territorial sea remained unsettled. The importance of the fishing issue cannot be underestated. The commercial fishing sector exercises enormous political clout in many coastal states, and disagreements over foreign-flagged access to offshore fisheries raised the very real prospect of armed conflict. Coastal state sovereignty claims were not standardized, but ranged from between 3

Resistance To Change A Critical Analysis Management Essay

Resistance To Change A Critical Analysis Management Essay Now a days organizations are required to make changes for their survive. It is very important to response quickly to the modern technological advancement and competition to internal and external levels (Edmonds, 2011). So change is a everyday experience in private and governmental organization for its development. The purpose of this study is to analyse the issue of managing organizational change by various approaches. The paper will argue concisely on the factors of resistance to change and how the resistance is handled for successful implementation of a change plan through reviewing relevant literature on the topic. It will further examine the scope of effective management of organisational change process. In this paper, the analysis into effective management of resistance to organisational change is achieved through three main sections. Firstly, change is defined in the light of organisational development. Secondly, factors influencing change and resistance to change are discussed analytically in two consecutive sections. Finally, it discusses management of resistance to change elaborately before concluding the motion. What is change Change is defined as any alteration of the status quo (Bartol and Martin, 1994;199). Organizational change may be defined as new ways of organizing and workingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. (Dawson, 2003: 11 ). Breu and Benwell (1999), Ragsdell (2000) as well as Bamford and Forrester (2003), define organisational change as the process of moving an organisation from some present status to new status whether it is planned or unplanned. Organizational change is a form of difference from its long term old position to introduce a new idea and action for better performance and adjustment of new environment (Schalk et al.,1998). From different perspectives , we can observe different types of changes but in generally organisational changes can be classifieds into two types- incremental and radical (Ragsdell, 2000; McAdam, 2003; Milling Zimmermann, 2010). Literature argues that the incremental change is a small scale change on its present structure and functions which is continuous, on the other hand radical change involves a large-scale basic change (McAdam, 2003; Cunha, et al, 2003; Romanelli Tushman, 1994). Furthermore, Beugelsdijk et al (2002) argue that, organisational change process initially begins with radical change and follow the incremental change that creates a prospect or a threat. In contrast, Del Val and Fuentes (2003) state that change is a general procedure of response to organisational settings because real changes are not only incremental or transformational but also a mixture of both. However Bamford and Forrester (2003) have further classified organisational change as planned and emergents.The planned approach organisational change highlights the different status which an organisation will have to shift from an unacceptable position to recognized desired position (Eldrod II and Tippett, 2002). The emergent approach change suggests that it is an unpredictable and undesirable continuous process of adjustment to changing circumstances (Burnes, 1996, 2004; Dawson, 1994). But uncertainty of circumstances create emergent approach more significant than the planned approach (Bamford and Forrester, 2003). So, it is import to any organisation to identify the requirements for its prospects, and how to deal with the required changes and it is the unseparable strategy of an organization (Burnes, 2004; Rieley and Clarkson, 2001).Managerial proficiency is very much needed for successful change (Senior, 2002). Although for the existence and effective competition successful management of change is highly required (Luecke, 2003; Okumus and Hemmington, 1998). Factors Influencing Change: Hughes (2006) argues that, different factors can influence organisational changes, from the effect of internal control, to external rolls in consumer behaviour, or changing the business settings. The most common reasons are: Legislation, incorporation or attainment, competitive market, world economy, Structural change, technological advancement and Strategic re-organisation. Moreover, Haikonen et al (2004) argue that different important internal and external factors which influence change as policy, structure, control system, organisational culture, and power distribution. Moreover, Saka (2003) state that the external factors as national or international rules and regulations influence the organization to accept new strategies to survive in changed situation. Furthermore, many other factors related to market competition, economic growth, and living standard also oblige organisation to commence change programmes for update and manage the external forces (Beugelsdijk, et al, 2002; Breu Benwell, 1999; Carr Hancock, 2006). Consequently, the technological advancement create internal and external demands to generate the capabilities of organizations and assess their strategies regularly (Harris Wegg-Prosser, 2007; Ragsdell, 2000; Shaft, et al, 2008). Finally, Eisenbach et al (1999) also recognized different factors that compel change such as innovation, new technology, workforce, productivity and working quality. Similarly, McAdam (2003) and Mukherji and Mukherji (1998) emphasize that availability of skilled employees, changing customer behavior, free flow of information and cultural change make very impact on organization for modification on their activities and compel it to readjust or large scale change for transforming from deadlock to effectiveness. Finally, internal change factors like leadership, organizational culture, employee relationship, workload, reward system, internal politics, and communication system compel the organization to take up change strategy (Bhatnagar, et al, 2010; Potter, 2001; Van Marrewijk, et al, 2010; Young, 1999).On the whole, Breu and Benwell (1999) as well as Rees and Hassard (2010) emphasized the development of capabilities of managers to evaluate the situation exactly from different factors to effective management of resistance to change program. Resistance to Change Resistance is a phenomenon which affect the change process by slowing down its starting, obstructing its accomplishment and rising its costs(Ansoff, 1990; Del Val Fuentes, 2003; Young, 1999). In contrast, resistance is a manner that tries to maintain the status quo, so it is comparable to inertia which tries to avoid change (Maurer, 1996; Rumelt, 1995). Similarly, Jansen (1996), Potter (2001) as well as Romanelli and Tushman (1994) argue that organisational change permeates resistance from the persons as their calm sector are influenced by creating stress, insecurity and uncertainty. Moreover, Ford et al (2002) as well as Reissner (2010) support that resistance comes about since a change program threatens existing status, or causes fear of supposed consequences like trouble in personal security and apprehension about new capability and skills to perform in the changed surroundings.On the other hand, resistance by workforce may be seen as a general part of any change process and in t his manner a valuable source of knowledge and useful in learning how to manage successful change process (Antonacopoulou Gabriel, 2001; Bhatnagar, et al, 2010; Bovey Hede, 2001). Furthermore, Antonacopoulou and Gabriel (2001) and Lamb and Cox (1999) argue that unusual community will resist any change program for various reasons including misunderstanding, inconvenience, negative rumor, economic proposition, low tolerance for change and fear of the unknown. However, the observation of annoyance in long standing custom associated with change initiatives finally contribute in the appearance of resistance, mainly from middle managers who resist for the reason that of the fear of threat to their current position and supremacy (Marjanovic, 2000; Ragsdell, 2000; Saka, 2000). Moreover, in manipulative business environment, where major focus is on productivity and centralisation, occurrences higher rate of resistance than manipulative business units having a more open culture, giving freedom to explore new capacities and technologies (Mirow, et al, 2008; Valle, 2002).Accordingly, Lamb and Cox (1999) and Trader-Leigh (2002) indicate that dispute of resistance in public sector is much higher than that of private sector.However, Bovey and Hede (2001) as well as Del Val and Fuentes (2003) discover that when change principles and organizational principles are usually different then the workers show resistance to change while individual anxiety, ineffective management, failure precedent, little inspiration, insufficient tactical vision and pessimism are several sources of resistant. So, if the ground of change is not well planned and competently managed then the employees may prevent the change initiatives and they will apply protection policy to resist because of apprehension that they will be oppressed by others (Bovey Hede, 2001; Perren Megginson, 1996). Nevertheless, Jones et al (2008) argue that employees do not generally resist the change, but rather theoretical undesirable results of change or the process of execution the change.For that reason, all managers are necessary to give appropriate concentration on human and socio-cultural issues to obtain a distinct policy for successful implementation of change.(Diefenbach, 2007; Lamb Cox, 1999). How to manage Resistance Resistance to change is an important matter in change management and participatory approach is the best way to manage resistance for successful change(Pardo-del-Val et al., 2o12). Potter (2001) and Ragsdell (2000) support that resistance to organisational change have to be observed as a prospect and preparing people for change as well as permitting them to vigorously participate in the change process. Furthermore, Conner (1998) affirms that the negative effects of resistance occurred from major changes can be minimize by open discution. Moreover Judson (1991) asserts that effective change can be committed and resistance can be reduce by commitment and participation of employees. In addition, contemporary managers required to examine and categorize all the stakeholders as change worker, impartial, conservatives or resistor as per their function in resistance to change so as to apply obligatory approach upon the definite form of people so that they feel like accommodating the change pr ogram willingly (Chrusciel Field, 2006; Lamb Cox, 1999). Moreover, it is essential to engage people in all stages of the procedure for successful completion of change where effective communication of change objectives can play one of the most important roles (Becker, 2010; Beugelsdijk, et al, 2002; Frahm Brown, 2007; Lamb Cox, 1999). Accordingly, Potter (2001) as well as Van Hoek et al (2010) suggests that for managing resistance to change successfully, organisations must build up the capability to predict changes and working approaches to the changes and thereby engage the employees to face the challenges sincerely with complete preparation. Similarly, Caldwell (2003) and Macadam (1996) propose that smooth running of organization managers should be open for involvement of employees at every steps of decision making process and productivity. Moreover, usually resistance happens as a result of misinterpretation among peoples and hence, in each change program it is essential that everyone concerned realizes the reason following the change from upper level to the lower level where training and cooperation may speed up the procedure (Beugelsdijk, et al, 2002; Bovey Hede, 2001; Johnson, 2004; Taylor, 1999). In addition, at the moment of crisis and ambiguity people require results, accomplishments and successful communication which will assist reduce anxiety and eventually produce enthusiasm for change amongst the employees (Hill Collins, 2000a; Potter, 2001). Consequently, the new public management emphasizes new type of policies which presume a flexible, open and more creative structure and therefore proactively illustrative targets, setting superior examples and creating exciting position might be regarded as a number of core leadership capabilities essential for routing change (Beugelsdijk, et al, 2002; Chrusciel Field, 2006; Harris Wegg-Prosser, 2007). Moreover, Aladwani (2001) rationalizes that opening human abilities of the workers by permitting them to use their intelligence being innovative at work takes place to be important where the function of managers have to be renamed from manager to trainer as to donate continuously on self-confidence building all over the business. Furthermore, alongside the background of rapidly growing technological improvement and deregulation since the early 1990s, ritual approach can no longer arrange the modern perception of shocking ambiguity and insistent change relatively dispersed organisations are probable to authorize the employees (Caldwell (2003; Harris Wegg-Prosser, 2007). In addition, Andrews et al (2008) and Caldwell (2003) have the same opinion with Frahm and Brown (2007) that not like the conventional top-down bureaucratic systems; the present managers must receive bottom-up participatory strategy by discussing with stakeholders. Caldwell (2003) more recommends that change managers should uphold possession of the change approach along with the stakeholders by connecting them in the process, who distinguish the authenticity of the business and it is usually they who grasp answer key to the problems. Lastly, as contextualization is the main element of any societal and organisational change, in the twenty-first century circumstance, the status quo is not a suitable preference and organisations must get slant and vigorous for the modern world of digital convergence (Carr Hancock, 2006; Harris Wegg-Prosser, 2007; Milling Zimmermann, 2010). Moreover, Bamford and Forrester (2003), Diefenbach (2007) and Eisenbach et al (1999) consent that in the growing approach to managing change, elder managers transform themselves from administrator to facilitator and the major accountability of execution vest on the middle managers. Also, Diefenbach (2007) more highlights that middle managers should cooperate with peers, divisions, consumers, dealers and also with the senior managements as if they are the key player of organisational change programs. Furthermore, Bamford and Forrester (2003) as well as Diefenbach (2007) consider Lewinà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸s (1958) three step model of freezing, unfreezing and refreezing, have supported that prior to effective implementation of any new manners, the old one has to be untrained.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Short Summary of Vietnam :: Vietnam War Essays

Short Summary of Vietnam Vietnam was a struggle which, in all honesty, the United States should never have been involved in. North Vietnam was battling for ownership of South Vietnam, so that they would be a unified communist nation. To prevent the domino effect and the further spread of communism, the U.S. held on to the Truman Doctrine and stood behind the South Vietnamese leader, Diem. Kennedy and Diem were both killed in 1963 and 1964. Johnson took control of the situation by increasing the amount of money and manpower put into Vietnam. Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, giving the president full military power. After Johnson dramatically escalated the amount of soldiers in Vietnam, The North Vietnamese mounted a surprise attack during the Vietnamese new year, and this strike was called the Tet Offensive. It made America more aware of what they were up against, that the communists were capable of fierce, guerrilla warfare, unlike anything Americans had ever fought before. Images of the terror and disarray reached back home, and the U.S. began to wonder how effective their involvement in Vietnam really was. As we got further and further into the Vietnam War, few lives were untouched by grief, anger and fear. The Vietnamese suffered the worst hardship; children lay dead in the street, villages remained nothing but charred ashes, and bombs destroyed thousands of innocent civilians. Soldiers were scarred emotionally as well as physically, as The paranoia and fear of death never left them. The My Lai Massacre occurred in 1968, when the village of My Lai was completely destroyed, although it did not contain a single enemy troop. Over a hundred villagers were slaughtered. It became clearer to Americans how soldiers were losing control, and how there was no easy way to win this war. The draft took more and more people in as the years went on, and in1968 it peaked to over 500,000 soldiers involved in Vietnam. The government was so desperate for troops that even men with poor eyesight fought, and no education was needed. The people began to strike out and a revolution took place to restore peace to the nation. Some key ways to get the movement attention included student activism and anti-war messages present in songs and literature.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Behavioral Differences in Humans Essay -- Diversity Development Gender

Behavioral Differences in Humans How do people behave? What makes us act the way we do? There are as many different answers as there are people. Each person is a unique makeup of individual characteristics which blend together to form the personality, the behavior of the person. We can identify certain broad characteristics of groups of people and apply them to individuals to get an idea of how they will behave in a given situation. This is called stereotyping and, when taken too far, will give a distorted picture of what to expect of a persons behavior. While you can never get a fully accurate picture of how someone will behave based on their demographics and characteristics, you can make certain general guesses that will point you generally in the right direction regarding their behavior. The most popular and fun characteristic to use to point to behavioral differences is probably gender. Numerous books have been written about the differences between men and women. Certain broad characteristics are identified that point at the broad gap in perspective that each gender has in viewing the world. A man sees a room and may see the functionality of it; what is the room’s use, its purpose. Does the room meet the requirements for fulfilling that purpose? What improvements can be made to better use this room? What is the quality of construction of this room? A woman sees the room and sees the color. How does the room look? How does she feel in that room? She envisions her family in that room, her friends. These are broad differences and may not be wholly accurate in the individual case, but in the genders in general, this will prove to be fairly representative of the behavior of the two populations. I tend to agree with scientists who study the human brain to try to identify the differences between the genders. According to studies, there is a greater link between the left and right hand sides of the brain in women than in men. The right hand side of the brain is broadly in charge of creativity and emotion; the left hand side of the brain of calculation and reason. This gives women broader access to their creative and emotional aspects than men and makes them perceive the world differently. I believe this difference in perspective explains much of the difference between genders and can explain much of the differences in behavior. This is still a general ... ...f the world there is some religious tradition among all of them. The atheist believes that there is no god. Is this built on more evidence than the man who holds cows to be sacred? Can it be scientifically proven that there is no god? One tenet of logic says that it is impossible to prove a negative. The atheist therefore is practicing a different form of religion. Ultimately, religion guides your behavior because it answers the question what happens when I die. If you feel that your actions in this life govern your lot in your next reincarnation, you will behave accordingly. If you feel that when you die your body simply rots in the casket and nothing survives, this also guides your behavior. If you feel that if you kill infidels you will be rewarded with seventy virgins for your eternal afterlife, you will alter your behavior. If you feel that your actions here are monitored by a God who balances justice and rewards according to those actions either with eternal paradise or ete rnal hell your behavior is governed by that belief. While some may represent themselves to be of one religion or another, their actions reveal their true beliefs about what happens to them when they die.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Reaction Paper Related on Business Communication Essay

Further, to fully use new pedagogical possibilities offered by ICT, profound changes in managers’ conceptions of learning and knowledge are required. Technical expertise alone is not sufficient for exploiting new pedagogical possibilities provided by ICT; insofar as ICT is used in the educational system as a purely technical innovation, it is not likely that significant pedagogical progress will be achieved. Several cognitive researchers (e. g. , Salomon, 1997; Salomon ; Perkins, 1996; Scardamalia ; Bereiter, 1994) have pointed out that many applications of educational technology support only lower-level processing of knowledge. Yet new pedagogical models of using educational technology, and particularly computer-supported collaborative learning environments, promise to provide new opportunities for solving pedagogical problems in the schools. Scardamalia and Bereiter (1994; in press), and others, have proposed that to meet the future challenges, schools be transformed into communities where productive working for advancing communal knowledge is a primary goal of both students and managers. Knowledge building refers to a process of advancing understanding by setting up, articulating, and answering research questions, searching and exploring information, and generating and evaluating explanations. In the present study, the sustained processes of advancing and building of knowledge characteristic of scientific inquiry and knowledge-creating organizations are called â€Å"progressive inquiry. † Several, concurrent, cognitive research projects share a common goal of fostering such research-like processes of inquiry in education.

Customer Relationship Management in Bahrain Investment Banking Arena Essay

The deponeing industry has underg matchless broad(a)(a)spread changes at bottom the operating environment and this involves globalization of marketplaces and proficient improvements. These two component parts start out influenced and encouraged advanced practices within the banking industry that has helpd to enhance its operable might. The introduction of ATMs and e-banking facilities ar almost of the major(ip) milest peerlesss in the banking industry that collapse revolutionized line operations.The global markets get hold of intensified the belligerent environment of the banking industry that has created the need for change magnitude efficiency in operations and change magnitude guest satisfaction. customers atomic number 18 the lifeblood of every presidency and the banking line of credit too depends on the evolvement and retention of consumers for its profitability. Customer whollyiance vigilance cast of characterss a vital aspect of transmission line strategy driving the companys market shares and market leadership position.Customer relationship influencement (CRM) has been defined as a business strategy that is a fusion of a series of functions, skills, processes, and technologies which together whollyow companies to more profitably manage (acquire and retain) customers as tangible assets (Shanmu squanderundaram, 200898). It is viewed as an synergistic process that creates a balance surrounded by corporate impersonals and customer satisfaction to weigh the profitability of the business.Acquisition and retention of customers is one of the vital requirements of business and the authorization of strategies dictated towards this goal de endpointines the success of business enterprises. The other(a)(prenominal) few twelvemonths pee-pee witnessed growth application of CRM in retail banking and enthronisation banking sectors. The keystone objective behind such initiatives is to ensure the pitch of superior c ustomer re information and to fulfil the necessitate of consumers. such practices are effective in alter organizations to meet the involve of the consumers and provide ameliorate go in comparison to other players in the industry. Competitive advantage and business gains are set by a proactive approach that focuses on consumer needs and expectations, provision of consistently senior high property service, looking into consumer public lavatory and an effective decipher up service to ensure consumer loyalty. A vital aspect of investiture banking and any other fiscal serve is the ever-changing consumer mindsets.Owing to the abundance of information easy admission chargeible over the Inter fire the consumers at once are more knowledgeable of the wide range of choices and alternatives functional to them. The consumers are supply with more knowledge related to the banking options available and hence their banking decisions are guided by their well- look fored study. Thi s fact holds true for all sparing sectors and business operations but forms a critical aspect of banking industries since it caters to a various(a) segment of consumers. In nearly all business to business markets in which nodes are as large as, or as in this case, often much big than their supp double-dealingrs, the latter must respond pronto to pressures from their clients to improve client management processes and systems (Foss & Stone, 2002 211).CRM in investing funds banking sector The short stipulation objective of the market department is to acquire customers while the long term objective translates to retaining the old customers by effective customer relationship management (CRM) strategies. Reaching and acquiring a youthful customer is one thing, keeping the relationship healthy and pixilated over a long period of clock time of time is the mark of the true marketing professional tincted with long term health of the organization (Dolak, 2009). The increasing warring market makes it difficult to retain customers over a long-term period of time owing to the constant influx of youthful and substitute alternatives invading the shelf spaces at the local retail shop. This makes the task of CRM more and more challenging and organizations adopt various strategies to entice old customers back.Retention strategies often wage measures such as consumer behaviour research and product surveys that enable the organizations to assess the needs and expectations of the consumer and enable them to serve better. Customers always hold dear the personal touch that results in mental synthesis strong relationships. The net today provides legion(predicate) effective communication channels that are universe used to keep the customer happy. Web based customer relationship management has effectively integrated all modes of communication web, email, chat, video, voice to serve and monetary backing the customers to enhance the total customer experience.I nvestment banking differs from other forms of banking in the role a few major clients play on the banks performance and productiveness (Foss & Stone, 2002). This form of banking rumps a fixed client segment that drives the sales of investment funds products and serve. The efficiency of the banking sector is determined by the types of products and services sold to customers in response to their investment needs and expectations. Customization of products and services are the key to deriving client satisfaction.Identification of the client segment is a vital factor in targeting and reach outing out to the craved client population and this process is driven by market research. The changing demographics and cold competitive pressures from global industry players consume however made a epoch-making force on the business strategies of investment banks worldwide. The gainsays faced by investment bankers lie in reaching out to target consumers and providing them with increased ease of banking services that serve to retain clients over a longer period of time.Moreover, the increasing demands of consumers and growing expectations have driven the banking sector to adopt engineering based ripe applications for meeting consumer needs and expectations. Online banking services and mobile banking applications are approximately of the innovative means that are being used by investment bankers to reach out to their target consumers. Such applications have served to improve banking services and efficiencies in resolve customer queries and needs promptly through the click of the mouse button.The anytime and anywhere access to banking services have defined fresh cut downs in serving consumers. Online customization is one reclaimable customer relationship management strategy follow by e-business to add cherish and improve sales of their products and services apply the Internet (Khosla et al. , 2003). Investment banking in Bahrain The banking sector in Bahrain is on e of the key sectors influencing stinting growth and development in the region. The region of the financial services and banking sector is mo only to the oil and natural gas industry in the province.The country has experience an economic boom and an upward trend in economic growth and development over the past few decades on account of globalisation influences and opening of look at channels. The banking sector has likewise opened to transnational corporations establishing their operations in the country to ten-strike the growing number of high net worth individuals in the country. Despite the globalisation of banking operations and increased de-regulation of the financial services sector in the area the country continues to have a significant wangle and supervision over the regulatory environment.The telephone exchange slang of Bahrain continues to be monitor and hold up the banking environment in the country. The modernisation of banking services and strategicalal ap proaches made by investment bankers in other parts of the populace have not produced much impact in this region owing to the constraints apply by the existing heathenish influence. The retail banking scenario in Bahrain is to a considerable purpose driven by the culture of the country. The cultural impacts are materialised in the buttoned-down approach of consumers towards banking and investment.Various research studies have concluded that while the region is an emergent market for applied science applications and innovative practices, user attitudes have limited the scope of technology based business models in the banking sector. The conservative market environment and user attitudes towards the CRM strategies adopted by investment bankers in Bahrain forms the central point of the research study. The research study will analyse the various perspectives convolute in CRM approach by investment bankers through the study of Unicorn Investment posit in Bahrain. The bank was founded in the year 2004 and has its headquarters in Bahrain.It is an Islamic financial services group that has an international heading in various locations such as Malaysia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and United States. The bank soon has six distinctive business service categories that include asset management and real estate, capital markets, corporate finance, private equity, strategic mergers and acquisitions and treasury. Among the various services offered by the bank the key approach is to deliver the customers with a comprehensive range of investment solutions that are customised to meet client needs and expectations.Unicorns integrated product offering and financial engineering skills are closely intertwined with a strong capacity to distribute the Banks products and services to a broad client base crossways the GCC region, the wider midsection East region, Southeast Asia, the USA and the europium (Unicorn, 2010). The target customers of the bank include high net worth indiv iduals, business enterprises, financial institutions, corporations, and government agencies and departments. The products offered by the bank are Shariah compliant and conforms to the international financial practices (Unicorn, 2010).Issues and challenges only major banks have invested heavily in technology and infrastructure over the move 5 and 10 years in this area, but hardly any of them have been successful in actually getting it effective (Infosys, 2009). The failure of CRM initiatives within the investment banking sector have provided a new ground for research into increasing the effectiveness of CRM applications. There are many strategic implications related to the application of CRM within investment banking sector.This involves the adaptation of normal banking processes and systems to integrate with innovative use of technology based applications and automated query processing systems that require high-octane management and handling of issues. Such issues have-to doe with to the efficient use of CRM systems to meet practicable goals and integrating the different banking functions to provide a structured application that can be used easily by consumers. peace of mind of use and convenience are some of the key parameters involved in the development of CRM based banking system.A key challenge facing these areas involves the security measure and privacy issues that form a major source of concern for consumers using the technology based applications. engineering based business models and CRM strategies enable investment bankers to provide the customers with efficiency in delivery of services, access to relevant information, product expound and ease of transactions. Mobile banking and e-banking facilitates the customers of investment banking to a host of facilities that range from product question access updated rates of interest and market values of the investment products chosen and conducts investment transactions online.Investment portfolios can also be accessed and manipulated according to user convenience from the comforts of their home or office. However, far-flung usage of such systems has been restricted on account of user reservations related to security issues and privacy of vital user data and information. Mobile banking and online transactions raise security and privacy concerns among most of the consumers (Barati & Mohammadi, 2009). The transfer of huffy financial and personal information across mobile networks is found to be the blush reason behind the psychological barriers created among potence mobile banking customers (Laukkanen, 2007).

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Introduction to the Bible

The inwardness at bottom the pass David R. Hayes Introduction to the watchword RELS311, persona B001 Win 13 Mark D. Wessner February 10, 2013 The Message within the Message Even kilobytegh some may say that in that respect is nonhing much to a yarn than what whiz may see and involve on the pages before them, I turn everyplace that some stories atomic number 18 more than undecomposed historic narratives. For example, in the point of David and whale I believe that the example David sets by his religious belief and trust in paragon to chip in some(prenominal) him and Israel the advantage against this dour foe as well as Davids words of wisdom to combat the jeopardize taunts from hulk argon more than meets the eye.In this paper, I int displace to dissect this modulation from the news by explaining where it is set, I leave hit the appropriates the literary room and characteristics of this passage, and I impart give a detailed and heedful interpretation of this passage by utilize the appropriate exe withdrawic semen near. The story of David and Goliath is found in the starting line hold in of Samuel which is located amid the book of pathos and the abet book of Samuel in the aged(prenominal) volition.This narrative encompasses the entire 17th chapter of this book and is do up of fifty-eight verses. The first book of Samuel is one of thirty-nine books that energize up the dopeon of the one sequence(a) testament, d avern from the Greek word kanon which heart a ruleor a measuring rod for measurement, and is part of the Christian tyrannical list of the books belonging to the Old Testament or modernistic Testament (Comfort, 2003, p. 51). In this case, it is part of the Old Testament canon.This narrative is just one of legion(predicate) that halt up over 40 per centum of the Old Testament which constitutes three-quarters of the bulk of the sacred scripture ( payment, 2003, p. 89). Be fonts the writings of Moses, a major(ip) prophet and author of the first basketb entirely team books of the Bible, in addition known as the Pentateuch, it is believed that laterward Moses and the an opposite(prenominal) prophets and prophetesses during his lifetime the great go forthbursts of premonitory activity began with Samuel and the arliest kind of writing in which they seem to permit engaged extensively was history, which afterwards became the basis of the books of Chronicles and probably of Samuel and Kings besides, which have so much material in common with Chronicles. (Comfort, 2003, p. 53) Additionally, it is noteworthy to point out that in Jewish tradition Samuel, Kings, the Minor Prophets, Ezra-Nehemiah, and Chronicles atomic number 18 each reckoned as a individual(a) book (Comfort, 2003, p. 57).The narrative begins with the gathering of twain armies the Philistines in Ephes-dammim and Israel on the other side of the Valley of Elah, which was in the midst of them, twain on mountains resolved by this valley (1 Samuel 171-3). Ephes-dammim, which is called Pas-dammin in the first book of Chronicles (1 Chronicles 1113), consequence boundary of blood which is believed to by chance have come from the deep rubor color of the newly plowed body politic in this location and may have presumptuousness origin to the idea of blood, just the location is not absolutely received (Masterman, n. . ). The Valley of Elah, on the other hand, is located just north of where the Philistine armies atomic number 18 believed to have gathitherd with, which most probable was, the dry creek cognise of the Wadi es-Sant dividing them from Sauls armies in the Judean mountains, though a more veracious description would be hills (Wilson, n. d. ). The valley amid them is a triangle-shaped flat valley, located on the western edge of the Judean low hills or Shepelah only in the rainy season does weewee flow in the creek bed rom the hills to the east to the Mediterranean on the west (Wil son, n. d. ). This narrative ends with the devastating exit of the Philistines champion, Goliath, followed by the massacre of the Philistine armies, and the victory of immortals chosen pile, the Israelites. This narrative, analogous all narratives, is a story which retells us a historical event which was pen by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and is intend to give marrow and direction for a addicted people in the present (Fee, 2003, p. 0). Fee points out that the major difference between a biblical narrative and other narratives is that the story they tell is not so much our story as it is Gods storyand it becomes ours as He writes us into it (2003, p. 90). But similar all narratives it has three main characteristics characters, biz, and darn resolution (Fee, 2003, p. 90). The characters consist of protagonists (e. g. God), antagonists (e. g. Goliath), and agonists (e. g. David) (Fee, 2003, p. 90).The employment in this plot would be the imminent bout between the Ph ilistines and Israelites as well as the daily quarrel given to the Israelites by Goliath which subsequently leads to fear and inaction by Sauls armies. The plot resolution, or denouement, would be the devastating defeat of Goliath at the work force of David which r incessantlyses roles between the Philistines and Israelites, instills fear into the wagon of the Philistine armies, and completely overturns the expected subject of this battle.In the Bible most narratives ar also historical and/or biographical accounts and imply accounts in the following books of the Bible Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1-2 Samuel, 1-2 Kings, 1-2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Jonah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Haggai, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Acts (literary genres , n. d. ). gramgh there are m all narratives in these books it does not mean that each book is strictly narratives or any other genre for that matter.One thing that confuse me was when Fee appears to contradict himself when first he states that narratives are intended to give convey and direction, just now later states that Old Testament narratives are not allegories or stories with hidden meanings, are not intended to teach moral lessons, and do not necessarily teach directly (2003, pp. 90,92). So which is it? This leads into the characteristics of Hebrew narratives the narrator, the scene(s), the characters, converse, plot, features of social organization and a terminal word (Fee, 2003, pp. 3-99). For this passage the narrator is Samuel, I believe, scarcely cannot be certain because later in this book his death is enter (1 Samuel 251). The scene is set most the Valley of Elah. The characters in the order they are mentioned are Goliath, King Saul, Jesse, Eliab, Abinadab, Shammah, David, and Abner. The primary dialogue is between David and Goliath only if there is also a dialogue between David and Jesse, David and his brothers, David and King Sa ul, and King Saul with Abner.The plot starts off with the gathering of armies for battle which leads into the conflict presented by Goliaths challenge to the Israelite armies, the acceptance of this challenge by David, the slaying of Goliath by David, and the defeat of the Philistine armies. The feature of structure in this particular narrative is the repeat of the power and authority of God. This narrative, in my opinion, connects the dots from Davids anointment to be the next superpower of Israel to his mental hospital of his kingdom.Then, to even further define a narrative one can separate biblical narratives into three different take aims which creates a hierarchy of narratives (Fee, 2003, p. 91). The top, or third level, is often called the metanarrative and has to do with the whole universal plan of God worked out through His intromission, e. g. the creation and the fall of humanity (Fee, 2003, p. 91). The next, or act level, is the story of Gods redeeming a people for Hi s human body, e. g. he first and second covenant (Fee, 2003, p. 91). Finally, the last and first level is comprised of all the hundreds of individual narratives that chance on up the other twain levels, e. g. the individual narratives of the patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, or Joseph) (Fee, 2003, p. 91). This covers the basics of a narrative, save to amply understand a narrative or passage the trainer essential take an exegesis approach to carefully and systematically submit the Scriptures to discover the original intended meaning (Fee, 2003, p. 3). The most authoritative part of exegesis is lettered what moves to ask while reading to retard the context, whether historical or literary, and the content (Fee, 2003, pp. 24-28). by and by taking an exegesis approach the reader must then take a hermeneutics approach which can include exegesis but in this case is referring to seeking the contemporary relevance of ancient texts (Fee, 2003, p. 29). Fee, however, says that thi s approach is much more difficult to define than the exegesis approach (2003, pp. 29-31).For either, you do not have to be an gifted but you must understand the meaning of a passage in credit entry to the meaning of the sentences or passages before and after it (Fee, 2003, p. 27). Fee points out that the most important contextual question you will ever ask, and it must be asked over and over of every sentence and every paragraph while reading is, Whats the point? (2003, p. 27). We must, however, understand that this question will vary from genre to genre, but it is always the crucial question emphasis added (Fee, 2003, p. 7). Interestingly, fit to Fee, Bible translations like the King jam Version and the New American prototype both are generally written in paragraph form which can interfere with the exegesis approach because it can sorry the authors own logic (2003, p. 28). It does not mean it is impossible but should definitely be accounted for when studying exegetically. F or my exegetical approach towards better understanding this passage I turned to the help of scuttlebutt from theologians like Matthew Henry and John branchia as well as a few other websites. consort to the rendering of Matthew Henry, the Philistines were setup in Israels territory, not their own, and this could have been out-of-pocket to the knowledge of Gods departing from Saul as king, the end of Samuel and Sauls relationship, and/or Sauls inability to be the king his people needed him to be (Henry, n. d). According to Josephus, in John Gills exposition of the Bible, this all occurred because the Philistines sensed weakness in Israel and see their chance to further expand their own territory not to mention the hazard for retribution for previous defeats at the detention of Israel (Gill, n. d. . I would have to agree with both suggestions as possible answers to the question, What is the point? , of this narrative. I believe, nonetheless, that the main point is that David was just a shepherd, but by Gods strength he was able to expect Israel out of the hands of the Philistines just as he had through in the past delivering sheep from his flock from a lion and a bear (1 Samuel 1734-37). Davids words are inspirational Thou comest to me with a vane, and with a spear, and with a racing shell but I come to thee in the name of the manufacturing business of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied.This daylight will the Lord deliver thee into mine hand and I will smite thee, and take thine head from thee and I will give the carcases of the host of the Philistines this day unto the fowls of the air, and to the wild beasts of the terra firma that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel. And all this congregation shall know that the Lord saveth not with sword and spear for the battle is the Lords, and he will give you into our hands. (1 Samuel 1745-47)In this passage, when David proclaims the name, or shem, of the Lord he inv okes something like our power of attorney, where one person can act with the healthy authority of another therefore it really means to come with Yahwehs presence, power, authority, and divine appointment (Wilson, n. d. ). Just as Christians pray in Jesuss name David was claiming the victory over Goliath and the Philistines in the name of the Lord. David sets a great example of faith and obedience throughout this passage by trusting in God and by defending Gods reputation and glory.More importantly, he points out that the battle is still at last the Lords (Wilson, n. d. ). This is not the only example of the faith of David, a man after Gods own heart, or others similar to him in faith. Several examples of this uniform principle is reiterated time after time throughout scripture, e. g. 1 Samuel 146b 2 Chronicles 2015, 328 psalm 3316-18, 20, 446-8 Proverbs 2130-31 Hosea 17 Zechariah 46 Romans 831, 37 and 1 John 44 (Wilson, n. d. ).In conclusion, the majority of the Bible is made up of many narratives which are both historical and biographical that by Gods countless wisdom serve a function for us all today. There are those that would say that you should not read too deep into these narratives because what you read is what you get. There are others that distort these narratives to make them mean what they privation them to for their own ulterior motives. I, on the other hand, fall in between these two very different schools of thought.I believe that ultimately there is a message within the message that God wants us to understand, but without the right questions you will never get the right answers. I hope after reading this research paper that I have achieved my goals to dissect this passage from the Bible by explaining where it is located, to analyze the literary style and characteristics of this passage, and to give a detailed and paying attention interpretation of this passage by utilise the appropriate exegetical approach.In closing, I would like to quot e a very true, but enlightening just the same, statement that I came across while researching Even though we rely on the Spirit, we are not so foolish as to make no preparation. As St. Augustine once said, beseech as though everything depended on God. take to the woods as though everything depended on you. religion and preparation are not mutually exclusive. (Wilson, n. d. ). References Comfort, P. W. (2003). The origin of the Bible. Carol Stream, IL Tyndale hall Publishers. Fee, G. D. , Stuart, D. K. (2003).The Old Testament Narratives Their Proper Use. How to read the Bible for all its worth (3rd ed. , pp. 89-106). haughty Rapids, MI Zondervan. Gill, J. (n. d. ). John Gills exposition of the entire Bible. Freegrace. net. Retrieved February 8, 2013, from http//www. freegrace. net/Gill/1_Samuel/1_Samuel_17. htm Henry, M. (n. d. ). Matthew Henry commentary on the whole Bible. Freegrace. net. Retrieved February 8, 2013, from http//www. freegrace. net/ library/mhc/1 _samuel/ 17 . html Literary genres paper information with style (n. . ). Helpmewithbiblestudy. org. Retrieved February 9, 2013, from http//helpmewithbiblestudy. org/5Bible/HermComposingInformationWithStyle. aspx Masterman, E. W. G. (n. d. ). Ephes-dammim. BibleAtlas. org. Retrieved February 8, 2013, from http//bibleatlas. org/ephes-dammim. htm The Scofield body of work Bible. (1945). New York Oxford University Press. Wilson, R. F. (n. d. ). David and Goliath Bold Faith. The JesusWalk Bible Study Series. Retrieved February 8, 2013, from http//www. jesuswalk. com/david/02_david_goliath. htm